to deprive a man of justice- would not The Lord see such things? NIV Lam 5v36

God sees it all, knows it all, and cares deeply about it.

As believers, with His Holy Spirit indwelling us, we feel some of His pain, when we witness injustice and oppression.

As His servants, He has the right to place us wherever He wants and use us as His hands and feet, to accomplish His purposes and bring Him glory, as we seek to defend the fatherless and the widow and the oppressed.

This blog precedes a book to be published, called “Travesty”. It is not easy to write. It tells our very personal experiences of massive injustice to one within our own family, and our struggles to defend and protect and obtain justice for this precious family member.

Through this painful journey, God has sustained us. He did not choose to remove the pain, but He has walked the dark valley with us. Now as we seek to tell our story, in obedience to Him, we pray He will use it to bring about His purposes and for His glory.